Aquatic Centers & Swimming Pool Info
2022 Pool Season will open Saturday, May 28th, 2022 at 1:00 pm
List of Aquatic Centers & Pools
Each Pool will close one day per week for maintenance and heavy-duty cleaning purposes. The spraygrounds will operate daily.
- Sherwood Family Aquatic Center (Closed on Wednesdays)
- Woodson Family Aquatic Center (Closed on Tuesdays)
- McKinney Park Sprayground- Will operate daily
- Jurassic Jungle Sprayground- Will operate daily
Aquatic Reservations
*The Odessa YMCA will be operating the Pools this summer along with any after-hour rental reservations. To check availability or have any questions please call the YMCA at 432-362-4301.
*$4.50 for a family up to four (4) members. Each additional family member will pay the general admissions gate fee.
Woodson- Tuesday nights 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Sherwood- Thursday nights 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Rules & Guidelines
Aquatic Center & Pool
- Absolutely no refunds; this includes refunds for bad weather or rule infractions
- No cash, credit and debit cards only
- Everyone must shower before entering the pool.
- The following attire will not be allowed:
- No athletic/cargo/denim/khaki shorts nor any other kind of shorts (other than swim trunks)
- No bandana or headgear
- No cut-offs of any kind
- No hats
- No long pants or sweatpants
- No thong bathing suits
- Glass containers of any description are prohibited
- Infants 3 years old or younger are allowed in the shallow portion of the main pool
- Masks, fins, snorkels, or full-face masks are prohibited
- No disorderly conduct or lewd behavior
- No flotation devices allowed; this includes:
- Bathing suits with floats sewn into the body of the suit
- Floaties
- Inflatable toys
- Life jackets (except those flotation devices issued by the Sherwood or Woodson Pools)
- Noodles
- No outside food or beverages allowed - no coolers and no picnic baskets - alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the parks, parking lot and pool house area
- No running, pushing, or horseplay
- No smoking or use of tobacco products in the pool area or pool house area
- Only proper swimming attire is allowed - only modest and properly worn swim trunks and bathing suits will be allowed - no sagging of swim trunks
- Only white t-shirts over bathing suits will be allowed in the water
- Patrons may have to demonstrate their swimming ability before entering deep water
- Swimming pool staff must be obeyed at all times
- Use of profane language is prohibited
- We reserve the right to refuse admittance or eject any patron who will not obey swimming pool staff or pool rules
- Youth under 3 feet, 6 inches must be accompanied by an adult
- All Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult
- All non-potty trained children must be in a swim diaper
- City facilities located in parks are governed by the rules and regulations of the City of Odessa Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, unless otherwise stated
- Compliance with the rules is a condition of use of the spray ground and violation will result in expulsion from park
- Do not drink the water!
- The use of tobacco products within fifty feet (50') of the Sprayground is prohibited.
- Do not use spray pad during thunderstorms
- Do not use sprayground if a person is infected with a contagious disease or condition
- In case of emergency, please call 911
- Malfunction, Unsanitary Condition, and all other Issues or Problems - call 432-368-3548
- No animals or pets allowed at any time
- No food, beverages, or glass products allowed on spray pad
- No lifeguard on duty at McKinney Park Spraygrounds.
- NO bicycles or rollerblades allowed on spray pad
- Please do not climb on spray features, railings or barriers
- Spray ground is slippery when wet - please use caution
- Surfaces may be hot - footwear is strongly recommended
- Swimsuit required.
- Use of Sprayground while ill with diarrhea is prohibited
- No running or horseplay, be courteous and respectful of others, take turns, have fun!
- No skateboards